Singing Kids: El Rincon Elementary Spring 2017 Workshops Early Registration


2017 Spring Workshops
Location: El Rincon Elementary

Kids Movie Tunes II (Grades K-2)
Thursdays, April 13th – June 1st
Time: 3:15 – 4:30pm
Session Length: 8 Weeks
(Enrollment is not based on a prerequisite in completing Kids Movie Tunes I.  Kids can take Workshops in any order.)
Cost: $120

Kids Movie Tunes II (Grades 3-5)
Mondays, April 10th – May 22nd
Time: 3:15 – 4:30pm
Session Length: 8 Weeks
(Enrollment is not based on a prerequisite in completing Kids Movie Tunes I.  Kids can take Workshops in any order.)

Cost: $120

Combined performance for both workshops on Thursday, June 1st.

Register early to reserve your spot!

El Rincon Vocal Stylings Lisa Cushing Culver City



Music develops confidence, engages analytical and intuitive thinking, and fosters creativity, preparing children to develop creative solutions in learning and in life.



Singing Kids Spring 2017 Spring Workshops
Printable Flyer

In this workshop, kids will learn popular songs from their favorite
children’s movies.

Musical activities include:
Singing Games
Vocal Fun-da-mentals
Rhythm and Movement
Connecting with Song Lyrics
Performance Techniques

There will be a final performance for family and friends starring your child!

Register early to reserve your spot! New Website Launched! is pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!

The new website was designed to be a user-friendly website for parents and kids who are interested vocal lessons, private or in a group setting.   The website is packed with information and opportunities especially geared for young voices to build strong voices and develop style. Online packages are available as well as easy registration for workshops and classes.